From P..... to Erlang

What is Swelen ?

The adserver team (2 people)

Before the rewrite

Adserver was

in the end

We could not keep up with the business

New adserver requirements

We had to pick a language

Why we chose Erlang

With Erlang, you not only have a language.

You also get the entire platform for free !

Time to learn

Erlang, a week later

WIN ! 🍺

Time to write the rest

We ♥ ETS

We ♥ pattern matching

We ♥ releases

We ♥ observability (aka WTF is going on ?)

Stupid mistakes learned the hard way 1/2

Stupid mistakes learned the hard way 2/2


We went from


Future plans

Thoughts about Erlang

Thank you Ericsson & the Erlang community

Thank you